Sunday, August 24, 2008

Hunter Family Update here is how is goes for the Hunters. I am not a big time blogger. I love to read everyone else's blogs....they all look so great! I find that I have limited for me..I like to post a couple pictures every few months just to update, for those who care, what we have been up to as a family. No fancy fun stuff here. Just pictures and words. So when I post it will be a review of the last few months or so. Here is what we have been up to since the first part of June 2008. Welcome one and all!


Mical and Diana said...

Sounds like you guys have been busy. We hardly ever get to see you so we love the updates. I especially loved the pictures of the Aztec ruins. A few years ago I took a class on the history of the American West and we studied several of the places you mentioned. Mesa Verde is the only one I've actually been to, but I hope to see the others someday. Architects today are still fascinated by how far ahead of their time those people were in terms of architecture. A lot of their building methods and strategies are still in use today.

Shelly said...

Your kids are so cute!! And way talented! Tell them to keep practicing so next time you come to visit, your kids can give us all a concert. I still haven't mailed out your photos either. I will look and see if I still have your mailing address on my email, if not, I will let you know. Keep blogging! I love the updates.