Sunday, July 13, 2008

Accident Prone Nate

This past Monday, Nate was riding his bike down a small incline in our neighborhood. He decided to use his feet as brakes and he went down. Right away I could tell his arm was broken. We went to the ER and sure enough he broke it and broke it bad. He completely snapped the radius right off. In the ER they put him under and reset his bone and just put a splint on. We are going to see the Orthopedic Surgeon in the morning to find out just have bad it is and if we need pins or what. We had to wait clear until Monday because there is only 1 group of orthopedics surgeons here and we couldn't get in until then. Bryce and Dr. deKay, (Bryce now works in a practice with 5 MDs, and deKay is the owner), had access to the hospitals computer in their office, so they pulled up the x-rays, and luckily the growth plate was not damaged! That is a huge relief. But we will see tommorow if we are going to need surgery. There goes Nate's summer fun..I had to call and cancel the golf class he was in, swimming, and woodworking. At least we got a bunch of fun stuff in on the 4th!

Accident Prone Nathan

First..back in April he chipped his bottom tooth with his bike handles. We had a cap put on, but it just came off. The Ortho says there is nothing we can do until we get his top teeth straightened out because he has a cross bite. So we are looking at braces already in the next couple months!


This is the way that Nate likes to fish.


Emma loves fishing with her Barbie fishing poll, butterfly bait, and using her "sparkle box".

Nathan and the Ladies...

Nate thinking he is pretty cool. We tease Nate all the time because where ever we go...he always seems to get a little "girlfriend"....all his best friends in the neighborhood are girls. We love to tease him about this and make him blush!


I love this picture of Emma...Whenever she sleeps in the car, this is what she looks like. My mom would look the same way whenever we would travel and she would fall asleep.

We Love Durango

One of our favorite things about New Mexico is that we are only 45 mins to Durango, Colorado with mountains, hiking and tons of outdoor activities, we are in Durango at least 3 weekends out of the month....this is a picture of us on our way to Durango for July 4th to go to the cabin, do some fishing, horseback riding, hiking, and swimming and soaking in the thermal springs. We didn't take a picture of what Dad looks like while riding in the car.

The back of our house...we had scafolding on for about three weeks..

New Stucco...

This picture you can see the difference between old and new stucco....

New Stucco and New Landscaping

When we bought our house..I really did not like the Curb Appeal or the Stucco. When we had an inspection done, the stucco was falling right off the we negotiated a deal where we would buy the house only if the seller would pay for a new stucco job. So..I got my new stucco color after all! This is a picture of it in the process, it just got done and we also have a new door...I will post that all later!!

Nathan Got Baptized in March

Emma riding "TOWA" in Santa Fe

Spring in Santa Fe

We went to an awesome resort and spa in Santa Fe in April for a little mini vacation. Santa Fe is such a fun place. The kids went to a kids camp and got to ride horses and do crafts, while Bryce and I went to the spa and did some horseback riding as well...

Returning to the Land of BLOGGGG

So I have decided I'm not much of a's been MONTHS since I have done anything, and I have not taken that many pictures so here is a little what we have been up to....